Location: Coral Springs, Florida
Phone: 954-340-0037
Fax: 954-340-0295
Email: Email Me
Personal injury attorney William Heller has handled family law cases for 20 years. He started out in the corporate world and has been in private practice since 1992. He has resolved countless custody, time-sharing, parental rights, division of assets and debts and post-dissolution issues for his family law clients. Mr. Heller has represented people from different walks of life and diverse backgrounds. He understands every case is not the same and will require a different approach. He has developed an approach to family law cases that provides you several options in what can be a very anxious and uncertain situation.
Mr. Heller is very accessible and will provide you with all the information you need to guide you in your case. There are numerous issues in family law cases and many options that can change the way a case may progress. His understanding of real life situations with realistic approaches will help you decide what is best for you. He can advise you of options that help you navigate through your case so you make informed decisions and make sure your rights are protected.
Most people would prefer the option of resolving their cases without the uncertainty and expense, both financially and emotionally, of having the court decide their future. Mr. Heller can guide you through the process of preparing a marital settlement agreement. A settlement agreement will ultimately allow you to proceed with uncontested closure and final judgment of your pending legal issues. This legal document can address a divorce, custody, child support, alimony, modification, relocation or any other legal dispute you may undergo.
Attorney Heller has also worked with numerous mediators to successfully resolve disputes. He will attend court hearings, and pursue relief from the court when other approaches are not working.
To arrange a free consultation about any family law matter, please call 954-228-5940 or email Mr. Heller.
2929 North University Drive
Suite 103
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone: 954-340-0037
Fax: 954-340-0295
2300 Glades Road East Tower
Suite 135 East
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: 561-214-9736
Phone: 561-214-9736