If you and your spouse can come to an amicable agreement about most major issues, handling your pro se divorce could save you thousands of dollars.
For many people, the prospect of an expensive, contentious divorce is out of the question. Many married couples choose to end their marriage amicably and don’t foresee problems with child custody issues or division of property. For these couples, a pro se divorce might be an affordable option.
Pro se simply means that you intend to represent yourself throughout the legal process. It often costs significantly less in attorney’s fees than full representation in a divorce case. It’s not for everyone, but if you feel that you can resolve the issues amicably with your spouse, it may be the divorce option you need.
Contact the family law office of Heller & Heller, P.A., to discuss whether a pro se divorce is right for your situation. We prepare the forms the same as if we were the attorney of record. We explain the process step-by-step so you understand what will happen when you go to court. We can also step in and provide you with the legal services you need if it gets a little more complicated than expected and offer divorce advice that can help.
Contact us at Heller & Heller, P.A., to discuss the pro se divorce option.
2929 North University Drive
Suite 103
Coral Springs, FL 33065
Phone: 954-340-0037
Fax: 954-340-0295
2300 Glades Road East Tower
Suite 135 East
Boca Raton, FL 33431
Phone: 561-214-9736
Phone: 561-214-9736