Car accidents and traumatic brain injury

While some people are lucky enough to walk away from car accidents with relatively minor injuries, many end up with long-lasting and even lifelong health consequences. Traumatic brain injury, which results from an impact to the brain, may occur during a crash. You may have suffered an impact even if you did not directly hit your head on anything, as, in some cases, the brain can sustain damage due to a sudden stop while traveling.

TBI symptoms can vary in severity. However, even relatively mild symptoms represent damage to the brain that can affect the quality of your daily life and affect your ability to sustain employment.

Mild symptoms

In a case of mild TBI, patients may lose consciousness briefly, sometimes without even realizing it. Symptoms often include drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, irritability, mood swings, memory lapses, disorientation, blurry vision and impaired coordination. Typically, mild TBI symptoms can take days or even weeks after an accident to show up. For this reason, people may not immediately realize that TBI is a possibility. Watch out for symptoms in the weeks following the crash, paying special attention to any changes, and see a doctor about any concerns.

Severe injury

Severe TBI symptom have a shorter time range to manifest and are harder to mistake or underestimate. They may include prolonged loss of consciousness (as least 30 minutes), memory loss, severely disrupted speech or cognition, noticeable impairment of movement, paralysis and even coma. Some symptoms associated with mild TBI may also be present.

Treatment options

Depending on the specific case, doctors may offer several options to manage TBI. You may need surgery, pain medication, and physical or speech therapy. Treatment may alleviate symptoms but often does not eliminate them completely. In severe cases, patients may need extended hospitalization or long-term care. Even mild TBI can impair the ability to perform job duties.

If your car crash injuries may include TBI, you need the right diagnosis and treatment. You may also need compensation for lost earnings. Speak with an experienced attorney to understand your best options for obtaining legal recovery.